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    മാരുതി സ്വിഫ്റ്റ് ഡിസയർ 2015-2017 ന്റെ സവിശേഷതകൾ

    മാരുതി സ്വിഫ്റ്റ് ഡിസയർ 2015-2017 ന്റെ സവിശേഷതകൾ

    Rs. 5.23 - 8.58 ലക്ഷം*
    This model has been discontinued
    *Last recorded price

    മാരുതി സ്വിഫ്റ്റ് ഡിസയർ 2015-2017 പ്രധാന സവിശേഷതകൾ

    arai മൈലേജ്26.59 കെഎംപിഎൽ
    നഗരം മൈലേജ്22.4 കെഎംപിഎൽ
    fuel typeഡീസൽ
    engine displacement1248 സിസി
    no. of cylinders4
    max power74bhp@4000rpm
    max torque190nm@2000rpm
    seating capacity5
    ട്രാൻസ്മിഷൻ typeഓട്ടോമാറ്റിക്
    fuel tank capacity42 litres
    ശരീര തരംസെഡാൻ
    ക്ലീറൻസ് ക്ലിയറൻസ് അൺലെഡൻ170 (എംഎം)

    മാരുതി സ്വിഫ്റ്റ് ഡിസയർ 2015-2017 പ്രധാന സവിശേഷതകൾ

    പവർ സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ്Yes
    power windows frontYes
    anti-lock braking system (abs)Yes
    air conditionerYes
    driver airbagYes
    passenger airbagYes
    ഓട്ടോമാറ്റിക് ക്ലൈമറ്റ് കൺട്രോൾYes
    fog lights - frontYes
    അലോയ് വീലുകൾYes

    മാരുതി സ്വിഫ്റ്റ് ഡിസയർ 2015-2017 സവിശേഷതകൾ

    എഞ്ചിൻ & ട്രാൻസ്മിഷൻ

    എഞ്ചിൻ തരം
    space Image
    ddis ഡീസൽ എങ്ങിനെ
    space Image
    1248 സിസി
    പരമാവധി പവർ
    space Image
    പരമാവധി ടോർക്ക്
    space Image
    no. of cylinders
    space Image
    സിലിണ്ടറിന് വാൽവുകൾ
    space Image
    വാൽവ് കോൺഫിഗറേഷൻ
    space Image
    ഇന്ധന വിതരണ സംവിധാനം
    space Image
    ടർബോ ചാർജർ
    space Image
    super charge
    space Image
    ട്രാൻസ്മിഷൻ typeഓട്ടോമാറ്റിക്
    space Image
    5 speed
    ഡ്രൈവ് തരം
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

    ഇന്ധനവും പ്രകടനവും

    fuel typeഡീസൽ
    ഡീസൽ മൈലേജ് arai26.59 കെഎംപിഎൽ
    ഡീസൽ ഫയൽ tank capacity
    space Image
    42 litres
    എമിഷൻ നോർത്ത് പാലിക്കൽ
    space Image
    bs iv
    ഉയർന്ന വേഗത
    space Image
    169 kmph
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

    suspension, steerin g & brakes

    മുൻ സസ്പെൻഷൻ
    space Image
    macpherson strut
    പിൻ സസ്പെൻഷൻ
    space Image
    torsion beam
    സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ് തരം
    space Image
    സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ് കോളം
    space Image
    tilt steeirng
    സ്റ്റിയറിങ് ഗിയർ തരം
    space Image
    rack & pinion
    പരിവർത്തനം ചെയ്യുക
    space Image
    4.8 meters
    മുൻ ബ്രേക്ക് തരം
    space Image
    ventilated disc
    പിൻ ബ്രേക്ക് തരം
    space Image
    space Image
    13.8 seconds
    space Image
    13.8 seconds
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

    അളവുകളും വലിപ്പവും

    space Image
    3995 (എംഎം)
    space Image
    1695 (എംഎം)
    space Image
    1555 (എംഎം)
    സീറ്റിംഗ് ശേഷി
    space Image
    ക്ലീറൻസ് ക്ലിയറൻസ് അൺലെഡൻ
    space Image
    170 (എംഎം)
    ചക്രം ബേസ്
    space Image
    2430 (എംഎം)
    മുൻ കാൽനടയാത്ര
    space Image
    1475 (എംഎം)
    പിൻഭാഗത്ത് ചലിപ്പിക്കുക
    space Image
    1485 (എംഎം)
    ഭാരം കുറയ്ക്കുക
    space Image
    1070 kg
    ആകെ ഭാരം
    space Image
    1505 kg
    no. of doors
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

    ആശ്വാസവും സൗകര്യവും

    പവർ സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ്
    space Image
    space Image
    space Image
    അഡ്‌ജസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാവുന്ന സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ്
    space Image
    ഹൈറ്റ് അഡ്‌ജസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാവുന്ന ഡ്രൈവിങ്ങ് സീറ്റ്
    space Image
    വൈദ്യുത അഡ്ജസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാവുന്ന സീറ്റുകൾ
    space Image
    ഓട്ടോമാറ്റിക് ക്ലൈമറ്റ് കൺട്രോൾ
    space Image
    എയർ ക്വാളിറ്റി കൺട്രോൾ
    space Image
    റിമോട്ട് ട്രങ്ക് ഓപ്പണർ
    space Image
    റിമോട്ട് ഫ്യുവൽ ലിഡ് ഓപ്പണർ
    space Image
    ലോ ഫ്വുവൽ വാണിങ്ങ് ലൈറ്റ്
    space Image
    അസ്സസ്സറി പവർ ഔട്ട്ലറ്റ്
    space Image
    തായ്ത്തടി വെളിച്ചം
    space Image
    വാനിറ്റി മിറർ
    space Image
    പിൻ വായിക്കുന്ന വിളക്ക്
    space Image
    പിൻ സീറ്റ് ഹെഡ്റെസ്റ്റ്
    space Image
    റിയർ സീറ്റ് സെന്റർ ആംറെസ്റ്റ്
    space Image
    ഹൈറ്റ് അഡ്‌ജസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാവുന്ന മുന്നിലെ സീറ്റ് ബെൽറ്റ്
    space Image
    പിന്നിലെ എ സി വെന്റുകൾ
    space Image
    lumbar support
    space Image
    ക്രൂയിസ് നിയന്ത്രണം
    space Image
    പാർക്കിംഗ് സെൻസറുകൾ
    space Image
    നാവിഗേഷൻ സംവിധാനം
    space Image
    മടക്കാവുന്ന പിൻ സീറ്റ്
    space Image
    സ്‌മാർട്ട് അക്‌സ്സസ്സ് കാർഡ് എൻട്രി
    space Image
    കീലെസ് എൻട്രി
    space Image
    engine start/stop button
    space Image
    cooled glovebox
    space Image
    voice commands
    space Image
    paddle shifters
    space Image
    യാന്ത്രിക ഹെഡ്ലാമ്പുകൾ
    space Image
    പിൻ ക്യാമറ
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ


    space Image
    electronic multi-tripmeter
    space Image
    ലെതർ സീറ്റുകൾ
    space Image
    തുണികൊണ്ടുള്ള അപ്ഹോൾസ്റ്ററി
    space Image
    leather wrapped steering ചക്രം
    space Image
    glove box
    space Image
    ഡിജിറ്റൽ ക്ലോക്ക്
    space Image
    പുറത്തെ താപനില ഡിസ്പ്ലേ
    space Image
    സിഗററ്റ് ലൈറ്റർ
    space Image
    ഡിജിറ്റൽ ഓഡോമീറ്റർ
    space Image
    ഡ്രൈവിങ്ങ് അനുഭവം കൺട്രോൾ ചെയ്യാൻ എക്കോ
    space Image
    പിന്നിൽ ഫോൾഡിങ്ങ് ടേബിൾ
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ


    adjustable headlamps
    space Image
    fo g lights - front
    space Image
    fo g lights - rear
    space Image
    മഴ സെൻസിങ് വീഞ്ഞ്
    space Image
    പിൻ ജാലകം
    space Image
    പിൻ ജാലകം വാഷർ
    space Image
    പിൻ ജാലകം
    space Image
    ചക്രം കവർ
    space Image
    അലോയ് വീലുകൾ
    space Image
    പവർ ആന്റിന
    space Image
    കൊളുത്തിയ ഗ്ലാസ്
    space Image
    റിയർ സ്പോയ്ലർ
    space Image
    മേൽക്കൂര കാരിയർ
    space Image
    സൈഡ് സ്റ്റെപ്പർ
    space Image
    പുറംഭാഗത്തെ റിയർ വ്യൂ മിറർ ടേൺ ഇൻഡികേറ്ററുകൾ
    space Image
    സംയോജിത ആന്റിന
    space Image
    ക്രോം ഗ്രില്ലി
    space Image
    ക്രോം ഗാർണിഷ്
    space Image
    ഹെഡ്ലാമ്പുകൾ പുക
    space Image
    roof rails
    space Image
    സൂര്യൻ മേൽക്കൂര
    space Image
    അലോയ് വീൽ സൈസ്
    space Image
    15 inch
    ടയർ വലുപ്പം
    space Image
    185/65 r15
    ടയർ തരം
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ


    anti-lock brakin g system (abs)
    space Image
    ബ്രേക്ക് അസിസ്റ്റ്
    space Image
    സെൻട്രൽ ലോക്കിംഗ്
    space Image
    പവർ ഡോർ ലോക്കുകൾ
    space Image
    കുട്ടികളുടെ സുരക്ഷയ്‌ക്ക് വേണ്ടിയുള്ള ലോക്കുകൾ
    space Image
    anti-theft alarm
    space Image
    ഡ്രൈവർ എയർബാഗ്
    space Image
    യാത്രക്കാരൻ എയർബാഗ്
    space Image
    side airbag
    space Image
    side airbag-rear
    space Image
    day & night rear view mirror
    space Image
    യാത്രക്കാരുടെ വശത്തുള്ള റിയർ വ്യൂ മിറർ
    space Image
    എക്സ്സെനൊൺ ഹെഡ്ലാമ്പുകൾ
    space Image
    പിന്നിലെ സീറ്റ് ബെൽറ്റുകൾ
    space Image
    സീറ്റ് ബെൽറ്റ് വാണിങ്ങ്
    space Image
    ഡോർ അജാർ വാണിങ്ങ്
    space Image
    സൈഡ് ഇംപാക്‌ട് ബീമുകൾ
    space Image
    ഫ്രണ്ട് ഇംപാക്‌ട് ബീമുകൾ
    space Image
    ട്രാക്ഷൻ കൺട്രോൾ
    space Image
    ക്രമീകരിക്കാവുന്ന സീറ്റുകൾ
    space Image
    tyre pressure monitorin g system (tpms)
    space Image
    വെഹിക്കിൾ സ്റ്റെബിളിറ്റി കൺട്രോൾ സിസ്റ്റെം
    space Image
    എഞ്ചിൻ ഇമോബിലൈസർ
    space Image
    ക്രാഷ് സെൻസർ
    space Image
    നടുവിൽ ഘടിപ്പിച്ച ഫുവൽ ടാങ്ക്
    space Image
    എഞ്ചിൻ ചെക്ക് വാണിങ്ങ്
    space Image
    ക്ലച്ച് ലോക്ക്
    space Image
    space Image
    പിൻ ക്യാമറ
    space Image
    anti-theft device
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

    വിനോദവും ആശയവിനിമയവും

    space Image
    ഓഡിയോ സിസ്റ്റം റിമോട്ട് കൺട്രോൾ
    space Image
    integrated 2din audio
    space Image
    യുഎസബി & സഹായ ഇൻപുട്ട്
    space Image
    ബ്ലൂടൂത്ത് കണക്റ്റിവിറ്റി
    space Image
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

      Compare variants of മാരുതി സ്വിഫ്റ്റ് ഡിസയർ 2015-2017

      • പെടോള്
      • ഡീസൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,23,408*എമി: Rs.10,963
        20.85 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,31,468*എമി: Rs.11,125
        20.85 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,47,542*എമി: Rs.11,470
        20.85 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,99,004*എമി: Rs.12,515
        20.85 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,22,743*എമി: Rs.13,366
        20.85 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,82,688*എമി: Rs.14,621
        18.5 കെഎംപിഎൽഓട്ടോമാറ്റിക്
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,98,490*എമി: Rs.14,949
        20.85 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.7,02,861*എമി: Rs.15,051
        18.5 കെഎംപിഎൽഓട്ടോമാറ്റിക്
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,11,994*എമി: Rs.13,341
        26.59 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,32,431*എമി: Rs.13,785
        26.59 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.7,21,844*എമി: Rs.15,699
        26.59 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.7,21,844*എമി: Rs.15,699
        26.59 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.8,07,445*എമി: Rs.17,523
        26.59 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.8,57,519*എമി: Rs.18,587
        26.59 കെഎംപിഎൽഓട്ടോമാറ്റിക്

      മാരുതി സ്വിഫ്റ്റ് ഡിസയർ 2015-2017 കംഫർട്ട് ഉപയോക്തൃ അവലോകനങ്ങൾ

      അടിസ്ഥാനപെടുത്തി136 ഉപയോക്തൃ അവലോകനങ്ങൾ
      • All (136)
      • Comfort (95)
      • Mileage (78)
      • Engine (64)
      • Space (61)
      • Power (47)
      • Performance (44)
      • Seat (58)
      • More ...
      • ഏറ്റവും പുതിയ
      • സഹായകമാണ്
      • Critical
      • R
        rajeev s nair on Feb 28, 2017
        Lion of Indian Vehicle( Swift Dzire)
        This is the top classic vehicle, from Maruti, smooth driving system best mileage, good control systems, smooth running, music system very nice, I have driven continuously from Mumbai to Rajapalaym (between normal gap) steering wheel very good, dikky space very big, only one headlight is very poor, tyre good, engine is very smooth no sound, high power air condition, dashboard good colours, speaker effect is good, it is good for one small family, starter button is more comfortable, childlock, back seat more space petrol conception is very good, brake system, best driving experience by anybody, for buying car choose swift dzire, do not worry about coolant, engine oils, brake oils. It is the luxury car for middle-class people. Affordable maintenance cost,4 years warranty by Maruti Insurance, perfect control powerful brake alloy wheels on top models, back seat space is very big , adjustable driver seat is good quality seat belt, reverse parking sensor four door chrome door grill is totally good , and thanks Maruti
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
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        janhamamu on Feb 09, 2017
        Nice car with compromised safety
        It's our 1st family car and I have driven it extensively through Western Ghats, Hyderabad - Pune Highways, Hyd - Mysuru Highways, through ghat road of Ooty. Have enjoyed to the fullest. Drives during Nights are challenging but thrilling. I have clocked more than 10K KMs in 4 months and done with 1st major servicing with oil change. Exterior Exterior looks nice and masculine. The more you keep it clean, it will keep you happy. But I have some concerns. 1. Sheet metal used for body is too thin. When you lean against it, sheet goes inside and makes noise. I wonder how is it going to save us from accidents! 2. When you shut the boot lid, the thunn sound is not promising. Sound makes me feel like the lid is not closing properly. 3. Locks of bumpers are too delicate. I think, if you kick it lightly also get the locks break. Again poor quality. 4. When you drive with half open door glasses, it makes noise. Again loose fit and poor quality. After driving few kilometers you will be scared to close them, as if glasses will roll up out of the door. Interior (Features, Space & Comfort) It has all the major features in its segment. ABS works well. Infotainment cluster looks beautiful with all the features. Steering wheel control switches look mounted and durable. The car has 2 cabin lights, 1 at the front and 1 at middle. It has 2 12v outlets, 1 @ front and 1 for backseat. Driver seat height adjustment is very helpful for me. I love it. Interior has been designed nicely and looks comfy because of Dual tone. 6 speaker music system is sweet and powerful. But touch screen display should have been given. AC is very efficient Sound insulation is good And, it has Bluetooth speaker as well as music play option. But again it has its own set of problems. Even if I don't miss anything but has serious doubt about it's quality. E.g. 1. Creaking noise comes from all the door glasses, backside glass after driving few kilometer on rough roads and it remains forever till next servicing. 2. Interior plastic used on doors are thin. If push it with your knee while sitting, it gives a sense of cheapness. 3. Beige colored interior is prone to marks. Gets dirty easily. Regular cleaning is a must. 4. After few thousand kilometers, noises started coming from steering wheel (from beneath the Horn panel), from near the glove box, from doors and no idea from where else. It's kind of awkward feeling with these type of noises. 5. Thermal insulation manageable but not that nice. Engine Performance, Fuel Economy and Gearbox Engine performance is good and noiseless. You will hardly hear anything when driving in normal conditions. When you rev engine sound is audible but sweet. Sometimes I get confused like whether the engine is ON of OFF until I look at the RPM meter. Kitna Deti hey ? City - 16-17 approx. (17.8 in avg fuel meter reading) Highway - 18-19 approx. Engine looks reliable. Gone through steep Ooty ghat roads in 2nd gear all through with 4 persons in the car and luggage wasn't disappointed at all. It has a good set suspensions which rode us through worst quality, unpredictable and killer Hyderabad - Solapur NH safely. Gearbox is smooth like butter. But it has reverse gear problem and so does all the Swifts. Ride Quality & Handling Ride quality is good. slips through city traffic like a snake. Soft steering, smooth gears, adequate power makes driving enjoyable. Good viewing angles, controlled braking is just enough in the city. On Highways ABS works well. It has already saved me twice from accidents. In high speeds I can feel ABS coming into action as my savior. Haven't tested Air Bags though... And hope that never comes. On Bangaluru - Hyderabad highway when @ 120 kmph, the car was pretty stable. But 130 Kmph onwards I felt like flying. It felt like tyre was just touching the road. Don't know whether due to more than enough tyre pressure or due to irregular supply of power from engine to the wheels because it's new. After 1st oil change clocked 150 kmph and the car was stuck to the road. No sign of unstableness. Final Words My love, my new BFF. It's lovely when you drive carefully and take care of it. I fear anybody will be crushed to death if met with an accident around 100 Kmph with this cheap quality materials. How will AIR bag save someone if the car is totally crushed . Cutting cost with cheap material. cutting weight with light material for better mileage is not justified when comparing safety. Areas of improvement Quality & durability of materials is a big question. MSI need to and must improve in this segment.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
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        rithik kushwah on Jan 27, 2017
        Value for Money
        Hello all, I bought a Maruti Swift Dzire this year in January and though to share my experience on the car so that others can benefit out of it. To start with I would first compliment the company for having thought of perfectly to fulfill an Indian's desire. The car is a great performer on all fronts be it mileage, the comfort it gives while driving, the smooth gearshifts and an easy and smooth acceleration. I have taken the car two times on highway drives and believe you me it performed really great and the most noticeable feature was that even at high speeds of 130-140 kmph, the car did not produce any kind of wobbling sound that is the main issue when it comes to highway drives. I must admit here that space it offers in terms of the legroom, headroom and boot space is pretty sufficient and rather comfortable for any ideal Indian family. Also, as I am quite fond of driving, the car makes me enjoy the drive even in crowded city lanes. I mean, if any of you is looking forward to a family car in the price range of 6-8 Lacs, Swift Dzire would be a really nice option. I am a satisfied customer after investing my hard-earned money into the car. Comfort: Driving comfort is superb. Rear suspension is ok in slow speed, found a bit jerk above 120 kmph speed. Legroom at rear seats are found ok, even though front seats are found thick and firm (not trimmed like in Honda Amaze, which gives a cheap feel on sight). I had a test drive of Chevrolet Sail and Honda Amaze with my family sitting on rear seats. According to them, Dzire ride is most comfortable and steady among all competitors. Pickup: Pick up is quite good. Could achieve 0 to 100 kmph speed in less than 7 seconds. It may be better for other better drivers. Mileage: Till now I have driven this car only 500 km. Instrument panel shows the mileage 14.7 km/L with AC on. I think it should be only stable after driving at least 1000 km. Even though Maruti claims for 19 km/L, we become comfortable within 15 - 16 km/L. Best Features: Masculin look, best interior, best mileage, best service network. Needs to improve: If Maruti can reduce the noise and increase its boot. Overall Experience: Very good.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
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        rithik kushwah on Jan 24, 2017
        Value for Money
        This is Ricky from New Delhi, after a long tenure of waiting period, I finally got my Swift Dzire Vdi. I would say that the looks of Maruti Swift Dzire are so- so. Maruti Suzuki could have made it more sporty and curvy like other competing cars. Comfort: Interior comforts of Maruti Swift are very good. Fabric upholstery and plastics used are of fine quality. The rear seating comfort is superb and there is ample of leg-room space in both front and rear cabins. Dzire is equipped with rear seat headrests and rear seat center armrest which ensures comfortable ride. Pickup: Pick up of Maruti Swift Dzire diesel is excellent. I have touched 140 kmph speedmark while driving on highways and I found that the vehilce is very stable and controlled while driving at a speed of 100 kmpl plus. Mileage: After the second service the mileage has improved a lot, at present, I am getting the mileage of 16-17 kmpl in city conditions and 20-21 kmpl on highways. Best Features: Best features of Maruti Swift Dzire diesel are its spacious and comfortable interiors, multi-functional steering wheel, excellent braking & handling, power and pick up. Moreover, the car has got sufficient boot space of 440 liters, effective power steering, and decent fuel economy. Needs to improve: I find Maruti Swift Dzire a value for money car. The company should change its exterior appearance and should make it more sporty whenever they plan to launch a new model for this car. While engine noise is well controlled within the city, even on the highway, you would be hard-pressed to tell that it's a diesel when cruising at a 120kph speed. This 1.3L diesel engine is rated at 74bhp at 4,000rpm and 190Nm of torque at 2,000rpm. There is definite lag under 2,000rpm, just like in other applications of the same engine, but it's lesser than in the outgoing DZire. I personally have not liked the Dzire. I have checked the Figo Aspire and the Amaze and I have to visit VW dealership to check out the Ameo. I really don't suggest you buy one as other cars are a better package. The Ameo particularly has been launched at a very low price and features offered are amazing. Overall Experience: Overall great and comfortable experience. Maruti Suzuki Swift is an excellent car. Its performance is great and it's smooth and comfortable. Very much Satisfied.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
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        patel bharatkumar on Jan 22, 2017
        Dzire-Need Of Every Home
        When we talk about cars, we want to buy. then we want to have the best one in less price, now the best one here means which is spacious with the best mileage along with comfort and look. then for such want swift dzire is the best one. space inside the car is enough for a long journey that won't make you suffocated when we talk about satisfaction, satisfaction means your investment is worth or not. and swift dzire really made a good market, which clearly shows satisfaction of dealers and costumes. Comfortable seat, along with the easy controlling system.If reliability comes for the cars in that range its best. along with best attractive body shape, which give the car best look. Maruti Swift Dzire is a very good sedan car as it have a 5 seat capacity including driver having a good seating space . Company is offering a good 26 KM/L mielage and in reality its running cost is Rs 2 per kilometer approx. Comfort level is very good. Highly reliable car . There are many colour options available to choose from. Maruti suzuki Swift desrise is a good in a looking way and it has low maintaince cost car . Spare parts of maruti suzuki swift desire is easly available in anywhere .Swift desire is more suitable for small family not for a big family . In which high speed has provided . For Middle class family is easly affordable car but its all over body is weak and in maruti suzuki break system is not properly workable when maruti suzuki is in high speed thats why cannot feel safe in maruti suzuki swift desire due to its break system . Exterior Looks are very good, sangria red and glistening grey color are super. Interior (Features, Space & Comfort) Interior is ok, however driver arm rest is there in VDI, ample space for keeping water bottles, music system is good. Leg room for driver seat is sufficient, for rear passengers may face some problems or feel congested. Engine Performance, Fuel Economy and Gearbox Enginer performance is brilliant, its difficult to identify whether the vehicle is on or off while being neutral. Gearbox is very smooth, no noise at all, zero vibration. Gear shifting is excellent butter smooth. While driving you feel like you are playing a virtual video game Ride Quality & Handling Ride quality is excellent, the suspension is good for Indian roads. Handling needs to be a bit soft with care. As compared to Dzire before 2012, the latest body is very light in weight. Any small impact can damage the car heavily. Final Words This is my first car, for a budget of 7.30 lakhs, this car is best suited. You get what you paid. I am very satisfied with Suzuki service, the parts are quite economical and easily available as compared to Hyundai & Honda. For medium sized cars like Maruti is best suited. Areas of improvement Rear passenger leg room, arm rest for driver, atleast 1 rear vent AC with some cost increase would be of great.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
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        keyur on Jan 20, 2017
        Maruti Swift Dzire : My first car that take me to rendezvous
        Maruti Swift Dzire has stormed the sedan market in India since its launch. I bought the car in 2016 and I am quite satisfied with its performance. The entry level hatch Swift Dzire is decent in terms of comfort and looks and as far as the price point is concerned. I was very impressed with its Stylish looks and upmarket interiors with facilities of touchscreen infotainment and even airbag for the driver. Maruti Swift Dzire, despite being a sedan is quite spacious and we three adults were able to fit in quite comfortably in the backseat. Knee space was also pretty decent and not a major hindrance which is quite common in the sedan cars. Being a car enthusiast, I can pretty well state that the car is fair in terms of ride quality and handling. Right from the first test drive till today, I can say it could easily give Honda Amaze and Hyundai Xcent, a run for their money. According to me, when it comes to power capability, a 1200cc engine is sufficient for four adult passengers, so a more powerful engine would be an added comfort and segment of car advantage. Nevertheless, at a price point of Rs. 7.30 lacs, you can?t complain much. If you are a first-time buyer and short on budget, Maruti Swift Dzire is the right car for you. It offers you decent specs, stylish look and segment-best interiors, and top of it, an excellent mileage of 19.16kmpl, which every petrol conscious buyer would love to go for. It is a good option if you would want to stand out and try something new apart from the popular Honda Amaze and Hyundai Xcent. Pros : I have driven many sedan cars . Regarding this Car one of the good sedan compared to all.it has been a year with this car and mostly I use to go for long drive... 1.good mileage 2.gear shift is smooth 3.good torque power on hills 4.trunk space is pretty good 5.good pickup 6.Ac flow is pretty nice 7.easy to maintain Cons: There are also some disadvantages .. 1.exterior must be redesigned 2.have to work on interior plastic quality 3.They would have provided rear Ac vent like other models 4.ground clearance is low 5.like breeza and baleno they would have provided LED and DRL lights so look will be pretty cool 6.legroom is low 7.there is no gear shifting indication and many features in dashboard 8. Speedometer and other display quality is very simple Overall Maruti should work on quality and look Its worth for money Easy to maintain While driving set the mileage settings so that you can easily know how much mileage your are getting Keep cleaning your interior regularly else there are chances to colour fade since interior colour is very light But Maruti should work on quality and looks and some needed features . When compared to other sedan see of the features are missing. Fo example ciaz has enough features. at last i can say that in all condition it is easy to operate.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
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        mahesh on Jan 18, 2017
        My Dezire review
        Exterior Looks are very good, sangria red and Magma gray color are super. Interior (Features, Space & Comfort) Interior is ok, however, driver arm rest is not there in VXI, ample space for keeping water bottles, music system is good. Leg room for driver seat is sufficient, for rear passengers may face some problems or feel congested. Engine Performance, Fuel Economy and Gearbox Engine performance is brilliant, its difficult to identify whether the vehicle is on or off while being neutral. Fuel economy is 20 kmpl, in cities it comes around 17 kmpl. Gearbox is very smooth, no noise at all, zero vibration. Gear shifting is excellent butter smooth. While driving you feel like you are playing a virtual video game Ride Quality & Handling Ride quality is excellent, the suspension is good for Indian roads. Handling needs to be a bit soft with care. As compared to Dzire before 2012, the latest body is very light in weight. Any small impact can damage the car heavily. Final Words This is my first car, for a budget of 8 lakhs, this car is best suited. You get what you paid. I am very satisfied with Suzuki service, the parts are quite economical and easily available as compared to Hyundai & Honda. For medium sized cars like Maruti is best suited. Areas of improvement Rear passenger leg room, arm rest for driver, at least 1 rear vent AC with some cost increase would be of great.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
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        kannan on Jan 16, 2017
        Swift DZire VDI: Nice Car More Value to Money Invested!
        I have bought this car in the month of May Swift DZire VDI(0) Manual Transmission. The car performance is excellent, Engine is very smooth. Coming to Power while driving in highway it is giving more performance even no noise inside the cabin. Fuel economy is very excellent, in long drive I got 20KM/PL Its very satisfactory in Fuel economy. One of the best product of Maruti Suzuki. Spacious Legroom. Excellent road view. Comfortable gear shift. Lighting is very very good. Very best central locking system one of the best feature of Swift DZire.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
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