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    മഹേന്ദ്ര കെയുവി 100 ന്റെ സവിശേഷതകൾ

    മഹേന്ദ്ര കെയുവി 100 ന്റെ സവിശേഷതകൾ

    Rs. 4.57 - 7.28 ലക്ഷം*
    This model has been discontinued
    *Last recorded price

    മഹേന്ദ്ര കെയുവി 100 പ്രധാന സവിശേഷതകൾ

    arai മൈലേജ്25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽ
    നഗരം മൈലേജ്22.25 കെഎംപിഎൽ
    fuel typeഡീസൽ
    engine displacement1198 സിസി
    no. of cylinders3
    max power77bhp@3750rpm
    max torque190nm@1750-2250rpm
    seating capacity6
    ട്രാൻസ്മിഷൻ typeമാനുവൽ
    fuel tank capacity35 litres
    ശരീര തരംഎസ്യുവി
    ക്ലീറൻസ് ക്ലിയറൻസ് അൺലെഡൻ170 (എംഎം)

    മഹേന്ദ്ര കെയുവി 100 പ്രധാന സവിശേഷതകൾ

    പവർ സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ്Yes
    power windows frontYes
    anti-lock braking system (abs)Yes
    air conditionerYes
    driver airbagYes
    passenger airbagYes
    fog lights - frontYes
    അലോയ് വീലുകൾYes
    multi-function steering wheelYes

    മഹേന്ദ്ര കെയുവി 100 സവിശേഷതകൾ

    എഞ്ചിൻ & ട്രാൻസ്മിഷൻ

    എഞ്ചിൻ തരം
    space Image
    mfalcon d75 എഞ്ചിൻ
    space Image
    1198 സിസി
    പരമാവധി പവർ
    space Image
    പരമാവധി ടോർക്ക്
    space Image
    no. of cylinders
    space Image
    സിലിണ്ടറിന് വാൽവുകൾ
    space Image
    വാൽവ് കോൺഫിഗറേഷൻ
    space Image
    ഇന്ധന വിതരണ സംവിധാനം
    space Image
    ടർബോ ചാർജർ
    space Image
    super charge
    space Image
    ട്രാൻസ്മിഷൻ typeമാനുവൽ
    space Image
    5 speed
    ഡ്രൈവ് തരം
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

    ഇന്ധനവും പ്രകടനവും

    fuel typeഡീസൽ
    ഡീസൽ മൈലേജ് arai25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽ
    ഡീസൽ ഫയൽ tank capacity
    space Image
    35 litres
    എമിഷൻ നോർത്ത് പാലിക്കൽ
    space Image
    bs iv
    ഉയർന്ന വേഗത
    space Image
    160 kmph
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

    suspension, steerin g & brakes

    മുൻ സസ്പെൻഷൻ
    space Image
    macpherson struct
    പിൻ സസ്പെൻഷൻ
    space Image
    twist beam
    ഷോക്ക്‌ അബ്‌സോർബർ വിഭാഗം
    space Image
    hydraulic gas charged
    സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ് തരം
    space Image
    സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ് കോളം
    space Image
    tilt & collapsible
    സ്റ്റിയറിങ് ഗിയർ തരം
    space Image
    rack & pinion
    പരിവർത്തനം ചെയ്യുക
    space Image
    5.05 meters
    മുൻ ബ്രേക്ക് തരം
    space Image
    പിൻ ബ്രേക്ക് തരം
    space Image
    space Image
    14.5 seconds
    space Image
    14.5 seconds
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

    അളവുകളും വലിപ്പവും

    space Image
    3675 (എംഎം)
    space Image
    1715 (എംഎം)
    space Image
    1655 (എംഎം)
    സീറ്റിംഗ് ശേഷി
    space Image
    ക്ലീറൻസ് ക്ലിയറൻസ് അൺലെഡൻ
    space Image
    170 (എംഎം)
    ചക്രം ബേസ്
    space Image
    2385 (എംഎം)
    മുൻ കാൽനടയാത്ര
    space Image
    1490 (എംഎം)
    പിൻഭാഗത്ത് ചലിപ്പിക്കുക
    space Image
    1490 (എംഎം)
    ഭാരം കുറയ്ക്കുക
    space Image
    1195 kg
    no. of doors
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

    ആശ്വാസവും സൗകര്യവും

    പവർ സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ്
    space Image
    space Image
    space Image
    അഡ്‌ജസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാവുന്ന സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ്
    space Image
    ഹൈറ്റ് അഡ്‌ജസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാവുന്ന ഡ്രൈവിങ്ങ് സീറ്റ്
    space Image
    വൈദ്യുത അഡ്ജസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാവുന്ന സീറ്റുകൾ
    space Image
    ഓട്ടോമാറ്റിക് ക്ലൈമറ്റ് കൺട്രോൾ
    space Image
    എയർ ക്വാളിറ്റി കൺട്രോൾ
    space Image
    റിമോട്ട് ട്രങ്ക് ഓപ്പണർ
    space Image
    റിമോട്ട് ഫ്യുവൽ ലിഡ് ഓപ്പണർ
    space Image
    ലോ ഫ്വുവൽ വാണിങ്ങ് ലൈറ്റ്
    space Image
    അസ്സസ്സറി പവർ ഔട്ട്ലറ്റ്
    space Image
    തായ്ത്തടി വെളിച്ചം
    space Image
    വാനിറ്റി മിറർ
    space Image
    പിൻ വായിക്കുന്ന വിളക്ക്
    space Image
    പിൻ സീറ്റ് ഹെഡ്റെസ്റ്റ്
    space Image
    റിയർ സീറ്റ് സെന്റർ ആംറെസ്റ്റ്
    space Image
    ഹൈറ്റ് അഡ്‌ജസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാവുന്ന മുന്നിലെ സീറ്റ് ബെൽറ്റ്
    space Image
    പിന്നിലെ എ സി വെന്റുകൾ
    space Image
    lumbar support
    space Image
    ക്രൂയിസ് നിയന്ത്രണം
    space Image
    പാർക്കിംഗ് സെൻസറുകൾ
    space Image
    നാവിഗേഷൻ സംവിധാനം
    space Image
    മടക്കാവുന്ന പിൻ സീറ്റ്
    space Image
    bench folding
    സ്‌മാർട്ട് അക്‌സ്സസ്സ് കാർഡ് എൻട്രി
    space Image
    കീലെസ് എൻട്രി
    space Image
    engine start/stop button
    space Image
    cooled glovebox
    space Image
    voice commands
    space Image
    paddle shifters
    space Image
    യാന്ത്രിക ഹെഡ്ലാമ്പുകൾ
    space Image
    പിൻ ക്യാമറ
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ


    space Image
    electronic multi-tripmeter
    space Image
    ലെതർ സീറ്റുകൾ
    space Image
    തുണികൊണ്ടുള്ള അപ്ഹോൾസ്റ്ററി
    space Image
    leather wrapped steering ചക്രം
    space Image
    glove box
    space Image
    ഡിജിറ്റൽ ക്ലോക്ക്
    space Image
    പുറത്തെ താപനില ഡിസ്പ്ലേ
    space Image
    സിഗററ്റ് ലൈറ്റർ
    space Image
    ഡിജിറ്റൽ ഓഡോമീറ്റർ
    space Image
    ഡ്രൈവിങ്ങ് അനുഭവം കൺട്രോൾ ചെയ്യാൻ എക്കോ
    space Image
    പിന്നിൽ ഫോൾഡിങ്ങ് ടേബിൾ
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ


    adjustable headlamps
    space Image
    fo g lights - front
    space Image
    fo g lights - rear
    space Image
    മഴ സെൻസിങ് വീഞ്ഞ്
    space Image
    പിൻ ജാലകം
    space Image
    പിൻ ജാലകം വാഷർ
    space Image
    പിൻ ജാലകം
    space Image
    ചക്രം കവർ
    space Image
    അലോയ് വീലുകൾ
    space Image
    പവർ ആന്റിന
    space Image
    കൊളുത്തിയ ഗ്ലാസ്
    space Image
    റിയർ സ്പോയ്ലർ
    space Image
    മേൽക്കൂര കാരിയർ
    space Image
    സൈഡ് സ്റ്റെപ്പർ
    space Image
    പുറംഭാഗത്തെ റിയർ വ്യൂ മിറർ ടേൺ ഇൻഡികേറ്ററുകൾ
    space Image
    സംയോജിത ആന്റിന
    space Image
    ക്രോം ഗ്രില്ലി
    space Image
    ക്രോം ഗാർണിഷ്
    space Image
    ഹെഡ്ലാമ്പുകൾ പുക
    space Image
    roof rails
    space Image
    സൂര്യൻ മേൽക്കൂര
    space Image
    അലോയ് വീൽ സൈസ്
    space Image
    15 inch
    ടയർ വലുപ്പം
    space Image
    185/60 r15
    ടയർ തരം
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ


    anti-lock brakin g system (abs)
    space Image
    ബ്രേക്ക് അസിസ്റ്റ്
    space Image
    സെൻട്രൽ ലോക്കിംഗ്
    space Image
    പവർ ഡോർ ലോക്കുകൾ
    space Image
    കുട്ടികളുടെ സുരക്ഷയ്‌ക്ക് വേണ്ടിയുള്ള ലോക്കുകൾ
    space Image
    anti-theft alarm
    space Image
    ഡ്രൈവർ എയർബാഗ്
    space Image
    യാത്രക്കാരൻ എയർബാഗ്
    space Image
    side airbag
    space Image
    side airbag-rear
    space Image
    day & night rear view mirror
    space Image
    യാത്രക്കാരുടെ വശത്തുള്ള റിയർ വ്യൂ മിറർ
    space Image
    എക്സ്സെനൊൺ ഹെഡ്ലാമ്പുകൾ
    space Image
    പിന്നിലെ സീറ്റ് ബെൽറ്റുകൾ
    space Image
    സീറ്റ് ബെൽറ്റ് വാണിങ്ങ്
    space Image
    ഡോർ അജാർ വാണിങ്ങ്
    space Image
    സൈഡ് ഇംപാക്‌ട് ബീമുകൾ
    space Image
    ഫ്രണ്ട് ഇംപാക്‌ട് ബീമുകൾ
    space Image
    ട്രാക്ഷൻ കൺട്രോൾ
    space Image
    ക്രമീകരിക്കാവുന്ന സീറ്റുകൾ
    space Image
    tyre pressure monitorin g system (tpms)
    space Image
    വെഹിക്കിൾ സ്റ്റെബിളിറ്റി കൺട്രോൾ സിസ്റ്റെം
    space Image
    എഞ്ചിൻ ഇമോബിലൈസർ
    space Image
    ക്രാഷ് സെൻസർ
    space Image
    നടുവിൽ ഘടിപ്പിച്ച ഫുവൽ ടാങ്ക്
    space Image
    എഞ്ചിൻ ചെക്ക് വാണിങ്ങ്
    space Image
    ക്ലച്ച് ലോക്ക്
    space Image
    space Image
    പിൻ ക്യാമറ
    space Image
    anti-theft device
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

    വിനോദവും ആശയവിനിമയവും

    space Image
    ഓഡിയോ സിസ്റ്റം റിമോട്ട് കൺട്രോൾ
    space Image
    integrated 2din audio
    space Image
    യുഎസബി & സഹായ ഇൻപുട്ട്
    space Image
    ബ്ലൂടൂത്ത് കണക്റ്റിവിറ്റി
    space Image
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

      Compare variants of മഹേന്ദ്ര കെയുവി 100

      • പെടോള്
      • ഡീസൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.4,56,509*എമി: Rs.9,608
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Key Features
        • engine immobilizer
        • anti-lock braking system
        • gear indicator on cluster
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.4,85,776*എമി: Rs.10,190
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 29,267 more to get
        • dual എയർബാഗ്സ്
        • seat belt warning
        • child lock on rear doors
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.4,97,786*എമി: Rs.10,443
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 41,277 more to get
        • fully foldable rear seat
        • full ചക്രം caps
        • ഉൾഭാഗം coloured trims
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,03,930*എമി: Rs.10,561
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 47,421 more to get
        • body coloured orvms
        • under co-driver seat storage
        • vinyl fabric seat upholstery
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,19,977*എമി: Rs.10,906
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 63,468 more to get
        • fully foldable rear seat
        • full ചക്രം caps
        • ഉൾഭാഗം coloured trims
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,26,121*എമി: Rs.11,024
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 69,612 more to get
        • dual എയർബാഗ്സ്
        • seat belt warning
        • child lock on rear doors
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,69,613*എമി: Rs.11,909
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 1,13,104 more to get
        • distance-to-empty information
        • remote central locking
        • electrically adjustable orvm
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,72,218*എമി: Rs.11,969
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,75,757*എമി: Rs.12,049
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 1,19,248 more to get
        • 4 speakers ഒപ്പം 2 tweeters
        • fabric seat upholstery
        • adjustable driver seat
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,78,362*എമി: Rs.12,087
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,91,803*എമി: Rs.12,372
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 1,35,294 more to get
        • irvm with day-night മോഡ്
        • ഓട്ടോമാറ്റിക് door locks
        • anti-theft security alarm
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,94,409*എമി: Rs.12,432
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,97,947*എമി: Rs.12,491
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 1,41,438 more to get
        • dual എയർബാഗ്സ്
        • seat belt warning
        • child lock on rear doors
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,00,553*എമി: Rs.12,889
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,18,909*എമി: Rs.13,276
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,25,085*എമി: Rs.13,421
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 1,68,576 more to get
        • micro-hybrid 55 ടിഎഫ്എസ്ഐ
        • day time running lamps
        • front ഒപ്പം rear fog lamps
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,30,191*എമി: Rs.13,519
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,31,229*എമി: Rs.13,544
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 1,74,720 more to get
        • അലോയ് വീലുകൾ
        • child seat mount on rear seat
        • front ഒപ്പം rear row armrest
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,36,334*എമി: Rs.13,642
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,37,000*എമി: Rs.13,658
        18.15 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,48,454*എമി: Rs.11,586
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Key Features
        • engine immobilizer
        • anti-lock braking system
        • gear indicator on cluster
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,70,821*എമി: Rs.12,057
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 22,367 more to get
        • dual എയർബാഗ്സ്
        • seat belt warning
        • child lock on rear doors
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,82,933*എമി: Rs.12,294
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 34,479 more to get
        • power windows
        • മാനുവൽ central locking
        • body coloured front door handle
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,89,117*എമി: Rs.12,436
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 40,663 more to get
        • body coloured orvms
        • under co-driver seat storage
        • vinyl-fabric seat upholstery
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,05,299*എമി: Rs.13,203
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 56,845 more to get
        • fully foldable rear seat
        • full ചക്രം caps
        • ഉൾഭാഗം coloured trims
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,11,483*എമി: Rs.13,329
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 63,029 more to get
        • dual എയർബാഗ്സ്
        • seat belt warning
        • child lock on rear doors
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,47,990*എമി: Rs.14,112
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 99,536 more to get
        • distance-to-empty information
        • remote central locking
        • electrically adjustable orvm
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,63,141*എമി: Rs.14,430
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,66,725*എമി: Rs.14,516
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 1,18,271 more to get
        • 4 speakers ഒപ്പം 2 tweeters
        • fabric seat upholstery
        • adjustable driver seat
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,69,325*എമി: Rs.14,556
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,82,907*എമി: Rs.14,858
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 1,34,453 more to get
        • irvm with day/night മോഡ്
        • ഓട്ടോമാറ്റിക് door lock
        • anti-theft security alarm
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,85,507*എമി: Rs.14,920
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,89,091*എമി: Rs.14,984
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 1,40,637 more to get
        • dual എയർബാഗ്സ്
        • seat belt warning
        • child lock on rear doors
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,91,691*എമി: Rs.15,046
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.7,10,081*എമി: Rs.15,441
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.7,16,448*എമി: Rs.15,571
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 1,67,994 more to get
        • micro-hybrid 55 ടിഎഫ്എസ്ഐ
        • day time running lamps
        • front ഒപ്പം rear fog lamps
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.7,21,548*എമി: Rs.15,692
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.7,22,632*എമി: Rs.15,697
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 1,74,178 more to get
        • അലോയ് വീലുകൾ
        • child seat mount on rear seat
        • front ഒപ്പം rear row armrest
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.7,23,081*എമി: Rs.15,708
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.7,27,732*എമി: Rs.15,818
        25.32 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ

      മഹേന്ദ്ര കെയുവി 100 കംഫർട്ട് ഉപയോക്തൃ അവലോകനങ്ങൾ

      അടിസ്ഥാനപെടുത്തി38 ഉപയോക്തൃ അവലോകനങ്ങൾ
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      • S
        swaraj malakar on Apr 10, 2017
        It's a Car, It's a Mini SUV, No It's KUV100
        Well to be honest i did a research on every model possible within my budget i came across maruti suzuki swift, ford figo, datsun go and kuv100. Swift's price went above my head. Vxi model doesn't have ABS and airbags and the price is whooping 6.5 lkhs i mean seriously??? For the next one we went to ford showroom. The moment we entered we came across shoutings and verbal abuses between a customer and a manager. The customer told us not to go for ford cars as they bought a fiesta but since three months unable to get papers of the vehicle. Datsun go is a nice car. Unfortunately the service station is not available in my area. So eventually opted for KUV100. I am not a rich guy who can afford k8 model within my budget we could afford only k4+ features(airbags,ABS,central lock, power windows).5.80 lkhs inclusive of taxes. People complained of vibration but i couldn't notice. The body is rock hard feel of an suv when you drive. Lots of ample space, and an uncommon design which gives a feel of SUV, went to few long drives and it was smooth as butter. The roads had potholes and quite rough but the suspension was quite comfortable. Horn was a bit meek but after tuning a bit now it's much better and the mileage is not that good compared to the competetors. Mine gives 18 on highways and 14 in city with A.C. I am satisfied with my vehicle. The showroom guys were nice they helped us in the best way possible. Guys there are pros and cons in every vehicle and each car is designed to meet demands for each customer. So just check what your needs are and dont follow maruti just because everyone is buying it. Of course they do have great mileage but then there are other better options available drive safely and all the best for car hunt
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
        32 2
      • A
        akash kumar on Jan 21, 2017
        Youngest in the race....
        Each car needs to meet certain requirements and definitely the KUV100 fulfil it. A Premium car should have superior craftsmanship to attract customers, a good engine capacity for great performance and have lots of storage space to score high on practicality. This is all fulfilled by the KUV100. The Mahindra automobile industry always have tricks up their sleeve to expand the their customer base.The latest entrant KUV100,an SUV that want a share of hatchback market.The Kool Utility Vehicle(KUV) is mahindra's newest and the most compact passenger they have ever made. INTERIORS- Interior is smart and offer good fit and finish.grey dash and door feature silver as well as piano black inserts.Dashboard is smart and split in two sections.The design is simple but striking.The steering wheel is chunky and made well to get a superior grip.The KUV100 is surprisingly spacious vehicle in this size.The centre seat of back seat folds up and act as a armrest for passenger and provide two cup holder.the entire passenger seat folds and gives access storage compartmentThe 3.5 inch music display system could do with an overhaul but it fits in the floating dashboard perfectly. I wish to check with Mahindra if there are any aftermarket options available for the infotainment system, preferably an Apple CarPlay system that I can install at a later date.The cooled glove compartment is a fancy addition which doesn't serve much purpose practically. The sunglass holder on the top near the car night lamp is a cool addition too. EXTERIOR- Parking sensors & reverse cameras are another point of concern seeing as they are not available even in the top end K8 model and have to be installed aftermarket. Exteriors:- The exteriors impress you quite a lot. The design looks more stylish and premium.The LED lights also give you a clearer view at night. The pillar mounted rear door handels are similar to chevrolet beat.Top variant alloy wheels as standards.The rear end is quite smart with rectangular tail lamp.the lower section of bumper isnot colored giving it a dual tone appearence.The bumper is equipped with fog light.The front track is wider than other cars which gives the vehicle ythe added appearence. SAFETY- You are in safe hands if you are travelling in the KUV100 as you have almost all the safety features such as ABS, EBD and BA. KUV get an amazing airbag system which is available only in the higher models. Drive Quality and Performance- Start your engine and enjoy a very smooth and comfortable ride. The engine is quite silent and delivers a good amount of power. The ride quality over bumpy road surfaces is a very smooth glide.17 kmpl is delivered in the city roads and about 20 kmpl in the highway in the both fuel options.which does not fit well in the character. My Conclusion:- In my opinion, The KUV100 is an awesome and kool product, which Mahindra India has brought out, which captures all elements for a car in hatchback and suv.Overall it is an amazingly made car from Mahindra that might cause some creases in the hatchback cotegory.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
        6 1
      • Y
        yogesh on Jan 19, 2017
        The little beast
        This is the best family car in the budget of less than 6 lakh in diesel i will list both the pros and cons as per my experience with the car pros. 1.This has best in class cabin space in the segment best suitable for family even of five adults or 4 adults and 2 kids . 2. Legroom for both front and rear is luxurious you can travel a long distance without getting tired . 3.Dash board durable and classy as the top part is grey and is convenient to utilize the black piano on the front gives it the edge of being a premium car. 4.The height of car gives enough head room for a 6 ft tall person also to drive comfortably . 5. Air conditioning is super cool and you dont get that complain from rear guy of not getting the effect of air conditioner on back seat even without rear vents and driver and co passenger are also not compromised . 6.Biggest king size arm rest cum mini bar in front due to the 6th seat feature you dont get it more luxurious even in luxury sedans. 7.Sixth seat the most talked about feature is very much useful when you have that need to adjust that one little passenger going with family on marriages and relatives . 8. ABS EBD as basic feature in all model makes it perfect for safe driving on highways so safety first has been kept well in mind by the company 9. Choice of adding Air bag in all models with a Fees of 30000 Rs can be termed as flexibility in safety as with increasing speeds on highways now a days it becomes a necessity 10.Space management in terms of extra spaces for storage and management of hand brake 11. Extremely comfortable Gear console and its positioning with hand rest it makes you sit back and enjoy long tedious rides in a comfortable way 12. Great after sales service quality of mahindra . 13. Suv looks give a sense of satisfaction to family person looking for value for money as well as style. 14. Dispaly of gear car is driven in front meter is good for new drivers comfort. Cons 1.Single din audio option in k4 and below models lead to sub standard dash board after music system installation 2.No tray in trunk in lower model although not that important but it wouldnt have cost much to the company. 3. Smaller trunk room compare to class although trunk room is a rarely used feature and does not add much value 4. Some more length could have made it more attractive it seems like designer suddenly wrapped it as they were getting late on their schedule. 5 Low mileage before first service this is a vary negative shortcoming as it lead to bad word of mouth publicity in initial phase leading to rejection in comparison to competition . verdict- value for money feature loaded spacious family car kudos to mahindra for coming with so much of innovation in their first small car and petrol car.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
      • A
        ashish dugar on Jan 13, 2017
        My first choice proved me Fantabulous - loving it.
        Writing it after having being driven for more than 16,000 kms in different terrain, be it a Chandigarh - New delhi Highway or be it a hilly road. As i have been living in Himachal belongs to Rajasthan. Space is manged superbly in this Micro SUV. All the four doors have the space to carry 1 ltr water bottle. Gear lever is mounted on the dashboard. so plenty of space between front two seats as well as rear seat travellers need not to adjust their legs. Flat surface for them at the rear seating arrangement. Dash board mounted gear lever gives a feeling of being playful just like joystick of some gaming zone. No need to worry about the gear lever, it is quite comfortable to operate. It has got both the features of being a small car as well as sub 4 mtr sedan. Excellent Headroom, legroom, shoulder-room except boot space.Even rear seating space has got some kind of space at the flat surface where you can keep your secrets too.No one can find it easily. Now comes seating arrangement- Three people can sit comfortably in the second row of well built, no adjustment required. Comfortable for long journeys as i have been fond of. Seats are little stiff but good for long journeys, you will not feel any kind of back pain. One of my fellow passenger told me about that fact as i am always driving it. Want to enjoy every miles on my car. I have travelled for almost 440 kms without any break with ease n comfort. Love the way this car feels me. As it was a pre launch booking for me. Across himachal i was in the first few car owners to have this Robust SUV. It is my first car also. If i talk about the looks, i must say my choice is too good to own it, to drive it. High stance gives me a feeling of true SUV. As i am not a traditional thinker to own a white colour or a silver one or a grey one. I bought a fiery orange colour. I love colours. High stance gives me a comfort of entry in the vehicle as well as exiting out. I need not bow down much as i am just above 5 feet 9 inches. This SUV looks fabulous in orange colour. Now you people might be thinking of the main part - yup Engine and engine performance - Highest speed that i have achieved is -150 kmph.It may give more than that but i stopped myself at this speed. Nothing to worry at this speed too because of the weight it is having -1260kgs approx. Very comfortable to drive at high speeds too. no need to bother about the steering control. Pick up is good. Breaking torque is fine may be due to ABS-EBD. Engine noise in the cabin feels little more than desired. I am able to get a mileage of 19-20kmpl with ease while ac is on. If you drive at lower speed you may get more but i have bought it to reach mountains---no slow speeds at all-Lol. Tyre's may feel smaller by an inch. I would like it to be 15" rather than 14" it comes with. Overall i am satisfied with the decision to own it. Enjoy friends.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
        7 1
      • S
        saurabh gangwar on Jan 09, 2017
        Angry compact suv
        I own a mahindra kuv 100 k6 diesel model and from my experience till date overall I�am quite satisfied with the car. firstly when i saw this car for the first time i just fell in love with the looks of the car ,although it looks somewhat awkward but it adds a nice effect to its looks which is somewhat different from all other cars in the market, so five star for the looks of the car. as it is from mahindra & mahindra who are known for making suv,s so no question about power and performance of the car. coming onto the interiors the first thing that will grab your attention is the dashboard mounted gear box which makes it much comfortable to drive the car and also adds a special effect to the interiors. there are also many hidden spaces provided inside the car to store your extra and secret goodies. 243 litre boot space is also quite enough for going on the long trips with family. the integrated 2 din audio system with both front and rear speakers take good care of your entertainment also. so , overall a nice car only one thing that really leaves a very bad impact is that no power windows are provided in the car even at the price of 6.5 lakh also not even the driver airbag is provided when now a days even small cars of the low segment are also providing driver air bag.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
        1 1
      • N
        nitesh joshi on Jan 09, 2017
        Need much more Improvement
        Much poor result then expected!! I had planned to buy this car but given a second thought to wait and watch..... This car last one year and I was very with this car because its working was so good in starting days. Its seat space is good and comfortable. I disappointed with its mileage and its engine is heated very soon. I send to the service center for servicing but same problems create within one month. I do not understand, how to manage it because I need every day it and this company took more time for servicing. If you want to use this car please, follow below steps, Drive and check every part of this car. Apply for car insurance after buy. Carefully read it service. As far as styling goes, the front of this pumped-up hatchback has a sleek front grille, a buff bumper, and large pulled back headlamps with LEDs KUV100 embossing. The side profile looks aggressive thanks to the shallow greenhouse area. It also has its rear door handles integrated into the rear window panel aka Chevrolet Beat. The rear meanwhile is less aggressive, looks palatable and decently modern. The KUV100 is available in seven colours, Pearl White, Aquamarine, Dazzling Silver, Flamboyant Red, Fiery Orange, Designer Grey and Midnight Black. I hope, this review will be helpful for buy this car and I knew you will get a good deal.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
        5 2
      • R
        rahul on Jan 05, 2017
        Decent SUV at affordable price.
        An entry level SUV or a feature packed car. Few months ago, I had been wracking my brain over to decide whether to go with Mahindra KUV or Maruti Suzuki's Baleno. On one hand Baleno is a feature packed car even donning the parking sensors and on the other hand you are getting a SUV. Well, After many consultations and finally listening to my heart I decided to go with KUV (K8 model). Well, to be honest I could not stand the long waiting period for baleno and KUV 100 unexpectedly met most of my conditions. To make this review easier I have divided it into pros and cons that based on my experience of driving it for the past three months. Pros : Looks : Classy look with ambient interiors. Obviously not the best in the price range but decently comfortable for an entry level SUV. Gorgeous rectangular Fog lamps with wraparound sunglass appearance gets this SUV all set for the urban aesthetics. Engine : I got the diesel version and I have to say, Mahindra has done pretty awesome job with the mFalcon diesel engine which breezes though the awesome roads of India ( No pun intended !). Mileage : I got a mileage of around 15 (it's Delhi afterall) and 21 on highways, which are pretty good from my experience. Driver's Comfort: KUV is very comfortable and more importantly highly stable at high speeds. Wide Passenger Seating : High flat floor and with good leg and shoulder room there is no question regarding the comfortness of the passengers. Good for long rides too. In fact, I really enjoyed my drive from Delhi to Agra on KUV. Cons : Weird Gear level : To me, the gear position was a bit awkward and took a little getting used to, before I could drive confidently. Not Good Braking System: Even though it has ABS, the car just skids at high speeds, which is not good at all. I even reached the service center regarding this but they found no problems. Well, don't know if this is just my car but this an issue to be concerned with and I advise you to check thoroughly if you planning to go for this. Lack of parking sensors: This car lacks basic parking sensors even though it has dual airbags. Not enough storage space : I was really disappointed with the storage space which is generally not the case with a hatchback. For starters, the space provided in the doors are just not enough to hold a medium sized bottle. The funky glove box literally has no practical usage and the dashboard looks very compact which is really a pity for a car that looks so good on the outside. Poor quality music system and speakers : Speakers are horrible. Music system is a generic one with only basic functionalities. If you are a guy who often listens to songs or radio while driving, I would advise you to consider over this. Well overall this a great SUV considering the price point and it's obvious you can't have everything at what you are paying. You have to decide what your needs are. If you want a SUV for long drives and love the funky cool design then go for it. But if you are too cautious about extra features like parking sensors, more storage space then I would suggest to reconsider. I hope my review helped !
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
        13 2
      • S
        suneel kumar on Dec 29, 2016
        Mini SUV with upper economy & 1.2 L mFalcon G80 (Petrol)
        Mahindra KUV one double O, where 'KUV' stands for 'Kool Utility Vehicle' is a compact-Mini sport utility vehicle automobile designed and manufactured by the Indian Mahindra . Suspension - Front- Independent McPherson Strut with Dual Path Mounts, Coil Spring and Hydraulic Gas Charged Shock Absorber . Rear - Semi-Independent Twist Beam with Coil Spring and Hydraulic Gas Charged Shock Absorber . Tyres - Tubeless Radials, 185/65 R14 Minimum Turning Circle Radius (m) - 5.05 with Disc Brakes and also have good Seating Capacity/Boot Space/Fuel Tank Capacity . KUV100 is Mahindra's new entry into the compact hatchback segment. Built on a new platform, the KUV is the SUV amongst the hatchbacks with its larger dimensions. Mahindra has stacked up the KUV with features and technology to ensure that the new entrant has the firepower to compete with the established players in the segment. Mahindra is now giving you more reasons to buy the KUV100. The carmaker is offering different discounts on the hatchback that might make it an attractive proposition for you. Comparison with TATA Tiago :- The Tata Tiago is a hatchback automobile manufactured by Tata Motors. The petrol engine is a three-cylinder Revotron aluminium motor that produces with 85Ps of peak power. This three cylinder engine produces with 70Ps of peak power. Tata Motors launched the Tiago hatchback in India at Rs 3.20 Lac (Ex-Showroom, Delhi) . Tata Tiago is the best fuel efficient with milti drive mode. Pros & Cons of Mahindra KUV : - Good Looks, Comfortable, Great suspension Cons: Luggage space is less wonderful car to have at this price with ABS
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
        16 2
      • എല്ലാം കെയുവി 100 കംഫർട്ട് അവലോകനങ്ങൾ കാണുക
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