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    Get Drivin g tips

    The precise nature of the thrill of driving is difficult to define. While few people can describe in words the varied emotions they experience while driving, the effect, for some, is so psychologically intense that no other experience can match it.

    As a human body accelerates, certain things happen to it. Nerves in muscles all over the body reacts instantly. Signals are sent through the spinal cord, which in turn increase muscle tone - particularly in areas such as the neck, which are most affected by the acceleration forces. The result of this vastly increased state of arousal throughout the body, which when detected by the central nervous system, is translated into a number of emotional experiences. For some people, the physiological effects are experienced as pure fear. For others, however, this basic emotional state is modified to give a sharply tingling experience, which is perceived as intensely pleasurable.

    For the entire thrill that you may get out of driving, you are actually handling a machine, which if not controlled properly can be destructive both for you and others on the road.

    When it comes to driving a car, you could either be a good driver or you are someone who can't drive. There is no in-between status for a driver.

    Safe Driving Tips


    Be careful while pulling out a parked car, on to the road.

    The driver's seat is an important place in the car and has to be adjusted for correct driving posture. The rear view mirror is adjusted to a position, which enables the driver to obtain the best possible rear view.

    The dashboard panel has indicators which show you oil, fuel and battery power status. Most drivers who drive newer cars take these for granted, but it is a good habit to take a look at these indicators every time you start driving.

    You should take a lesson from the BEST bus drivers who go around the bus, checking all the tyres before they start driving the bus. (but not for driving.)

    Move your car slowly after you start it. Speedy starts are not only dangerous, but they also burn your tyres and waste a lot of fuel.


    Use correct indications while turning.

    While turning left or right use the turning indicator lights. You must ensure that you are in the correct lane so that you don't have to cut across lanes. Something as simple as turning a car causes several accidents in metropolitan cities. You have to be particularly careful and lookout for pedestrians and two wheelers. You should indicate your intention to turn or change lanes at least 30 meters before you do so.

    While taking a U-turn you need to stop and watch for traffic from the left while giving way to the other vehicles behind you. When you find a safe gap in the oncoming traffic, take the turn swiftly, get into the correct lane and accelerate.

    Right turns are more dangerous

    Than turning to left, as you have to cross through on coming traffic on the other side of the road. While turning right keep your car just left of the middle of the road. Wait till you find a safe gap in the oncoming traffic and then make the turn.

    While taking a U-turn you need to stop and watch for traffic from the left while giving way to the other vehicles behind you. When you find a safe gap in the oncoming traffic, take the turn swiftly, get into the correct lane and accelerate.


    While reversing watch out for pedestrians and other obstructions that may be on the road. You should reverse your car slowly and only as long a distance, as absolutely necessary.

    Changing Lanes

    Indicate your intention to the driver of the vehicle following you, a reasonable distance before you attempt to change your lane. Swerving between vehicles in different lanes causes many accidents on city roads.


    Overtake only when absolutely sure about safety. You can overtake a car ahead of you only when you are absolutely sure about safety. When you are driving at higher speed, perception of distances and speed can be distorted. Maximum numbers of road accidents occur while vehicles are trying to overtake.

    Always overtake from the right on straight roads. Signal your intentions of overtaking by blowing the horn or by flashing the headlights and start overtaking only on being signaled to do so by the vehicle being overtaking.

    Be particularly cautious while overtaking a bus that has stopped at a bus stop as a lot of people try to cross the road from the front side of the waiting bus.

    Once you start overtaking a vehicle, move quickly past the vehicle keeping enough distance in between the two for manoeuvring comfortably.

    While being overtaken by another vehicle, do not decrease your speed. If the overtaking vehicle needs more room, slow down and give it a clear signal to overtake safely.


    Don't obstruct or cause inconvenience to others when you park your car.

    You can park your car only in places where it is permitted to park. Before parking make sure that you cannot see the 'no parking' sign, which restricts you from doing so. While parking your car, ensure that your car does not cause danger, obstruction or undue inconvenience to other road users.

    Park your car parallel to the kerb line unless otherwise indicated. You are not allowed to park your car at the following places:

    On the footpath, the zebra crossing, over a bridge or inside a tunnel.

    In front of an entrance to a street or a highway.

    In front of the entrance to a hotel, theatre, auditorium, office building, hospital or loading / unloading locations, fire hydrant.

    Within a distance of 15 meters of a bus stop.

    50 meters of a signalized junction or 10 meters of a non-signalized intersection or corner of a street.

    Parking spaces, which are designated and reserved for different class of vehicle from yours.

    Alongside another parked vehicle (Double parking).

    You cannot leave your parked car unattended on a public road for over 10 hours. Thus overnight parking on a public road outside your own home is not your right or a privilege you can enjoy.

    Use your parking brake and shift your cars gear into first, reverse or parking position.

    Driving long distance


    Take breaks and get refreshed at intervals.

    Long distance driving can tire you very much and fatigue can dull your reflexes and judgement. When you feel sleepy, don't attempt driving further. Driving at night draws more energy as you have to be more alert.

    Planning your route and the break intervals in advance can make your journey more fun.

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