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    ഷെവർലെറ്റ് ബീറ്റ് ന്റെ സവിശേഷതകൾ

    ഷെവർലെറ്റ് ബീറ്റ് ന്റെ സവിശേഷതകൾ

    Rs. 4.32 - 6.57 ലക്ഷം*
    This model has been discontinued
    *Last recorded price

    ഷെവർലെറ്റ് ബീറ്റ് പ്രധാന സവിശേഷതകൾ

    arai മൈലേജ്25.44 കെഎംപിഎൽ
    fuel typeഡീസൽ
    engine displacement936 സിസി
    no. of cylinders3
    max power56.3bhp@4000rpm
    max torque142.5nm@1750rpm
    seating capacity5
    ട്രാൻസ്മിഷൻ typeമാനുവൽ
    fuel tank capacity35 litres
    ശരീര തരംഹാച്ച്ബാക്ക്
    ക്ലീറൻസ് ക്ലിയറൻസ് അൺലെഡൻ175 (എംഎം)

    ഷെവർലെറ്റ് ബീറ്റ് പ്രധാന സവിശേഷതകൾ

    പവർ സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ്Yes
    power windows frontYes
    anti-lock braking system (abs)Yes
    air conditionerYes
    driver airbagYes
    passenger airbagYes
    fog lights - frontYes
    അലോയ് വീലുകൾYes
    multi-function steering wheelYes

    ഷെവർലെറ്റ് ബീറ്റ് സവിശേഷതകൾ

    എഞ്ചിൻ & ട്രാൻസ്മിഷൻ

    എഞ്ചിൻ തരം
    space Image
    xsde എഞ്ചിൻ
    space Image
    936 സിസി
    പരമാവധി പവർ
    space Image
    പരമാവധി ടോർക്ക്
    space Image
    no. of cylinders
    space Image
    സിലിണ്ടറിന് വാൽവുകൾ
    space Image
    വാൽവ് കോൺഫിഗറേഷൻ
    space Image
    ഇന്ധന വിതരണ സംവിധാനം
    space Image
    direct injection
    ടർബോ ചാർജർ
    space Image
    super charge
    space Image
    ട്രാൻസ്മിഷൻ typeമാനുവൽ
    space Image
    5 speed
    ഡ്രൈവ് തരം
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

    ഇന്ധനവും പ്രകടനവും

    fuel typeഡീസൽ
    ഡീസൽ മൈലേജ് arai25.44 കെഎംപിഎൽ
    ഡീസൽ ഫയൽ tank capacity
    space Image
    35 litres
    എമിഷൻ നോർത്ത് പാലിക്കൽ
    space Image
    bs iv
    ഉയർന്ന വേഗത
    space Image
    165 kmph
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

    suspension, steerin g & brakes

    മുൻ സസ്പെൻഷൻ
    space Image
    macpherson strut
    പിൻ സസ്പെൻഷൻ
    space Image
    compound link crank
    ഷോക്ക്‌ അബ്‌സോർബർ വിഭാഗം
    space Image
    gas filled
    സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ് തരം
    space Image
    സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ് കോളം
    space Image
    സ്റ്റിയറിങ് ഗിയർ തരം
    space Image
    rack & pinion
    പരിവർത്തനം ചെയ്യുക
    space Image
    4.85 meters
    മുൻ ബ്രേക്ക് തരം
    space Image
    പിൻ ബ്രേക്ക് തരം
    space Image
    space Image
    21.2 seconds
    space Image
    21.2 seconds
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

    അളവുകളും വലിപ്പവും

    space Image
    3640 (എംഎം)
    space Image
    1595 (എംഎം)
    space Image
    1550 (എംഎം)
    സീറ്റിംഗ് ശേഷി
    space Image
    ക്ലീറൻസ് ക്ലിയറൻസ് അൺലെഡൻ
    space Image
    175 (എംഎം)
    ചക്രം ബേസ്
    space Image
    2375 (എംഎം)
    ഭാരം കുറയ്ക്കുക
    space Image
    1055 kg
    no. of doors
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

    ആശ്വാസവും സൗകര്യവും

    പവർ സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ്
    space Image
    space Image
    space Image
    അഡ്‌ജസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാവുന്ന സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ്
    space Image
    ഹൈറ്റ് അഡ്‌ജസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാവുന്ന ഡ്രൈവിങ്ങ് സീറ്റ്
    space Image
    വൈദ്യുത അഡ്ജസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാവുന്ന സീറ്റുകൾ
    space Image
    ഓട്ടോമാറ്റിക് ക്ലൈമറ്റ് കൺട്രോൾ
    space Image
    എയർ ക്വാളിറ്റി കൺട്രോൾ
    space Image
    റിമോട്ട് ട്രങ്ക് ഓപ്പണർ
    space Image
    റിമോട്ട് ഫ്യുവൽ ലിഡ് ഓപ്പണർ
    space Image
    ലോ ഫ്വുവൽ വാണിങ്ങ് ലൈറ്റ്
    space Image
    അസ്സസ്സറി പവർ ഔട്ട്ലറ്റ്
    space Image
    തായ്ത്തടി വെളിച്ചം
    space Image
    വാനിറ്റി മിറർ
    space Image
    പിൻ വായിക്കുന്ന വിളക്ക്
    space Image
    പിൻ സീറ്റ് ഹെഡ്റെസ്റ്റ്
    space Image
    റിയർ സീറ്റ് സെന്റർ ആംറെസ്റ്റ്
    space Image
    ഹൈറ്റ് അഡ്‌ജസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാവുന്ന മുന്നിലെ സീറ്റ് ബെൽറ്റ്
    space Image
    പിന്നിലെ എ സി വെന്റുകൾ
    space Image
    lumbar support
    space Image
    ക്രൂയിസ് നിയന്ത്രണം
    space Image
    പാർക്കിംഗ് സെൻസറുകൾ
    space Image
    നാവിഗേഷൻ സംവിധാനം
    space Image
    മടക്കാവുന്ന പിൻ സീറ്റ്
    space Image
    60:40 split
    സ്‌മാർട്ട് അക്‌സ്സസ്സ് കാർഡ് എൻട്രി
    space Image
    കീലെസ് എൻട്രി
    space Image
    engine start/stop button
    space Image
    cooled glovebox
    space Image
    voice commands
    space Image
    paddle shifters
    space Image
    യാന്ത്രിക ഹെഡ്ലാമ്പുകൾ
    space Image
    പിൻ ക്യാമറ
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ


    space Image
    electronic multi-tripmeter
    space Image
    ലെതർ സീറ്റുകൾ
    space Image
    തുണികൊണ്ടുള്ള അപ്ഹോൾസ്റ്ററി
    space Image
    leather wrapped steering ചക്രം
    space Image
    glove box
    space Image
    ഡിജിറ്റൽ ക്ലോക്ക്
    space Image
    പുറത്തെ താപനില ഡിസ്പ്ലേ
    space Image
    സിഗററ്റ് ലൈറ്റർ
    space Image
    ഡിജിറ്റൽ ഓഡോമീറ്റർ
    space Image
    ഡ്രൈവിങ്ങ് അനുഭവം കൺട്രോൾ ചെയ്യാൻ എക്കോ
    space Image
    പിന്നിൽ ഫോൾഡിങ്ങ് ടേബിൾ
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ


    adjustable headlamps
    space Image
    fo g lights - front
    space Image
    fo g lights - rear
    space Image
    മഴ സെൻസിങ് വീഞ്ഞ്
    space Image
    പിൻ ജാലകം
    space Image
    പിൻ ജാലകം വാഷർ
    space Image
    പിൻ ജാലകം
    space Image
    ചക്രം കവർ
    space Image
    അലോയ് വീലുകൾ
    space Image
    പവർ ആന്റിന
    space Image
    കൊളുത്തിയ ഗ്ലാസ്
    space Image
    റിയർ സ്പോയ്ലർ
    space Image
    മേൽക്കൂര കാരിയർ
    space Image
    സൈഡ് സ്റ്റെപ്പർ
    space Image
    പുറംഭാഗത്തെ റിയർ വ്യൂ മിറർ ടേൺ ഇൻഡികേറ്ററുകൾ
    space Image
    സംയോജിത ആന്റിന
    space Image
    ക്രോം ഗ്രില്ലി
    space Image
    ക്രോം ഗാർണിഷ്
    space Image
    ഹെഡ്ലാമ്പുകൾ പുക
    space Image
    roof rails
    space Image
    സൂര്യൻ മേൽക്കൂര
    space Image
    അലോയ് വീൽ സൈസ്
    space Image
    14 inch
    ടയർ വലുപ്പം
    space Image
    165/65 r14
    ടയർ തരം
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ


    anti-lock brakin g system (abs)
    space Image
    ബ്രേക്ക് അസിസ്റ്റ്
    space Image
    സെൻട്രൽ ലോക്കിംഗ്
    space Image
    പവർ ഡോർ ലോക്കുകൾ
    space Image
    കുട്ടികളുടെ സുരക്ഷയ്‌ക്ക് വേണ്ടിയുള്ള ലോക്കുകൾ
    space Image
    anti-theft alarm
    space Image
    ഡ്രൈവർ എയർബാഗ്
    space Image
    യാത്രക്കാരൻ എയർബാഗ്
    space Image
    side airbag
    space Image
    side airbag-rear
    space Image
    day & night rear view mirror
    space Image
    യാത്രക്കാരുടെ വശത്തുള്ള റിയർ വ്യൂ മിറർ
    space Image
    എക്സ്സെനൊൺ ഹെഡ്ലാമ്പുകൾ
    space Image
    പിന്നിലെ സീറ്റ് ബെൽറ്റുകൾ
    space Image
    സീറ്റ് ബെൽറ്റ് വാണിങ്ങ്
    space Image
    ഡോർ അജാർ വാണിങ്ങ്
    space Image
    സൈഡ് ഇംപാക്‌ട് ബീമുകൾ
    space Image
    ഫ്രണ്ട് ഇംപാക്‌ട് ബീമുകൾ
    space Image
    ട്രാക്ഷൻ കൺട്രോൾ
    space Image
    ക്രമീകരിക്കാവുന്ന സീറ്റുകൾ
    space Image
    tyre pressure monitorin g system (tpms)
    space Image
    വെഹിക്കിൾ സ്റ്റെബിളിറ്റി കൺട്രോൾ സിസ്റ്റെം
    space Image
    എഞ്ചിൻ ഇമോബിലൈസർ
    space Image
    ക്രാഷ് സെൻസർ
    space Image
    നടുവിൽ ഘടിപ്പിച്ച ഫുവൽ ടാങ്ക്
    space Image
    എഞ്ചിൻ ചെക്ക് വാണിങ്ങ്
    space Image
    ക്ലച്ച് ലോക്ക്
    space Image
    space Image
    പിൻ ക്യാമറ
    space Image
    anti-theft device
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

    വിനോദവും ആശയവിനിമയവും

    space Image
    ഓഡിയോ സിസ്റ്റം റിമോട്ട് കൺട്രോൾ
    space Image
    integrated 2din audio
    space Image
    യുഎസബി & സഹായ ഇൻപുട്ട്
    space Image
    ബ്ലൂടൂത്ത് കണക്റ്റിവിറ്റി
    space Image
    space Image
    തെറ്റ് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്യുക സ്പെസിഫിക്കേഷനുകൾ

      Compare variants of ഷെവർലെറ്റ് ബീറ്റ്

      • പെടോള്
      • ഡീസൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.4,32,498*എമി: Rs.9,104
        17.8 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Key Features
        • പവർ സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ്
        • air conditioner with heater
        • multi-warning system
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.4,65,522*എമി: Rs.9,792
        17.8 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 33,024 more to get
        • driver seat ഉയരം adjuster
        • central locking
        • front power windows
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,12,614*എമി: Rs.10,759
        17.8 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 80,116 more to get
        • tilt steering
        • front ഒപ്പം rear power windows
        • integrated audio system
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,59,827*എമി: Rs.11,707
        17.8 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,26,597*എമി: Rs.11,024
        25.44 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Key Features
        • air conditioner with heater
        • പവർ സ്റ്റിയറിംഗ്
        • multi-warning system
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,61,697*എമി: Rs.11,745
        25.44 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 35,100 more to get
        • driver seat ഉയരം adjuster
        • central locking
        • front power windows
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.5,93,400*എമി: Rs.12,409
        25.44 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
        Pay ₹ 66,803 more to get
        • tilt steering
        • front ഒപ്പം rear power windows
        • integrated audio system
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,50,000*എമി: Rs.14,033
        25.44 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ
      • Currently Viewing
        Rs.6,57,217*എമി: Rs.14,184
        25.44 കെഎംപിഎൽമാനുവൽ

      ഷെവർലെറ്റ് ബീറ്റ് കംഫർട്ട് ഉപയോക്തൃ അവലോകനങ്ങൾ

      അടിസ്ഥാനപെടുത്തി242 ഉപയോക്തൃ അവലോകനങ്ങൾ
      • All (242)
      • Comfort (141)
      • Mileage (144)
      • Engine (76)
      • Space (82)
      • Power (63)
      • Performance (44)
      • Seat (65)
      • More ...
      • ഏറ്റവും പുതിയ
      • സഹായകമാണ്
      • Verified
      • Critical
      • S
        swagata mukherjee on Dec 08, 2017
        Good Bye BEAT ! It was my trusted family member
        Within a short budget I choose this car. It gave me wonderful mileage. Not very comfortable at the rear seat but with 60:40 split option even in the lower models it gave us wonderful flexibility.With 5 years extended warranty I was not under any big expense pressure. General Motors have decided to close the production. The reason best known to them.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
      • M
        manish dhoke on Jan 21, 2017
        My first car for my small family.
        I have purchased Chevrolet beat Diesel model LT in Feb 2013, the car is really nice and compact still four persons can easily travel in this car rear seats are also having head rests which really matters a lot during long journey the front seat and rear seats are really comfortable even a six feet of height person can easily enter and seat enough leg room for rear seat passengers as well as front seat passengers, the car driving performance is really fantastic due to its sportiness, it is extremely easy to drive on city roads even in heavy traffic also. Gear shifting is extremely smooth as well as power steering due to which less fatigue even in long journeys, Air conditioner of Beat is quite average because cooling effect for rear seats is less, lack of power observed While driving at steeper roads or ghats sometimes. Very less noise of the car inside the cabin. Ground clearance of the beat is also found good. Most important and beneficial part of my car is its mileage it is really giving me almost 25 kmpl mileage after using Air conditioner on highways and is giving 22 kmpl on city roads I think this is the most fuel efficient car in Diesel variant in this segment. The most drawback of this car is its boot space, the luggage for four hardly accommodates in the boot. I am using this car from last four years and except regular periodic maintenance, i have not spent a single rupee on additional maintenance. Car music system is average even if the speakers of the car is not good so I have replaced them with a superior one, the odometer is really giving the nice and attractive looks to the car. Armrest for a driver is really good but needs to provide it to the left hand of the driver also to improve more comforts. Overall a nice sporty car, full marks from my side to Chevy even in future I will prefer only Chevy cars to go for.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
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      • S
        sumit thapar on Jan 20, 2017
        Best experience with a new brand
        Our family has always been inclined towards buying Maruti. But I had to buy a diesel car with low budget. Decided to go for Beat LS diesel model. I must say am really impressed. It's been four years now and am really satisfied. I faced not even a single problem during these years. Service cost is very low. Drive is amazingly smooth. If we see this car in terms of space it got some foes as there is not much space for legs in the back seat and if three healthy people will sit together in the back seat there is no proper space. In terms of fuel consumption this car is very nice and it touches a mileage of 25 kmpl . This car is quite comfortable instead of some issues with back seat space. It has got all the new features and is a very reliable car with a powerful engine of 79.8 bhp. Very nice car and I will give it a score of 85/100 and a thumbs up.I definitely recommend buying this car. Good for small family.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
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      • D
        dinesh chandra on Jan 18, 2017
        A very good car for a small family
        All the features you guys already know so I would tell you my experience which I think is what review is for. So, we bought it 4 years back and till now we haven't had any problem. It is good for a family of 5-6 people(adult... kids can be accommodated(it's India :) ) ). Mileage is about 20kmpl(on an average) and it has hardly decreased in four years. The boot is spacious enough to carry the luggage of the whole family for a week trip ( 1 large sized trolley bag + 2 normal bag on top of it + few other things). The cabin is very isolated in term of outside sound and the road jerks. It's general motor's car so comfort should not be any issue. Area of improvement - Not quite much if we compare it with the cars of a 2012-2013 model but few feature like more speaker and Bluetooth could have been great. Hope this helps some of you to decide.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
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      • L
        litin thomas on Jan 13, 2017
        One of the best car's I have ever come across
        Back in 2011 we were in search for a new car, our previous car was a Maruti Suzuki Baleno, it was a real beast, performance wise and stability wise, and not one car in that budget would come close to the comfort it offered to its passengers, ride quality was also great, the only drawback being the low ground clearance and large wheelbase but its maintenance was taking a toll on us, thus we decided to exchange it for a new car. We began researching and going through all the latest ads and news of new cars being launched. Initially, we were attracted to the newly launched Toyota Etios, cause since it?s a Toyota, there wouldn?t be any issues with the quality, service, and reliability of the car, plus it did sit in our price range, which was around 5Lacs. One fine day we went on to find their showroom and take a test drive, we couldn't find it, and ended up in the Chevrolet showroom which we saw while searching for the Toyota, I had seen the Beat on the ads but I thought it was too small, but when I entered the showroom and saw the front of the car, I saw something of a hot hatch, funky design and the interiors totally attracted me, the salesperson at the showroom (Nikhil automobiles, Koparkhairne) gave us the look around and all the technical details of the car, we finally got a chance to take a test drive, and I was surprised by the power it packed, the acceleration was really good, ride quality as compared to normal hatches was also great, the interiors were something that made me feel like I was sitting in a real sci-fi car, thanks to the center console lighting, it really looked awesome. We fixed on buying this car (feature wise it was fully loaded as compared to other cars at this price range). Next day we got mom too with us to the showroom and finalized the deal, we got the car in 20 days, we exchanged the old Baleno for it, did the final inspection in the showroom and found two faults in it, which stayed to this day. 1.The door on the right, the front side did not close with a normal push.  2. Finger marks on the spoiler (guess someone couldn't resist touching the car while its paint was still wet. We showed dealer the issues, but since we ourselves couldn't wait any longer and we got the car, I tried to keep the car under 60 for a month, and finally unleashed its potential on the Mumbai-Pune expressway on my way back from Lonavala, I touched 155kmph but the car was stable, it weighs 1345 kgs, which is a lot for a hatch. The tire width was less thus increasing the mileage, but I was only getting 11kmpl (reason was over speeding), so I went for a mileage test, drove the car @70kmph on 5th gear, and it returned a mileage of 19.69kmpl. But frankly, in city conditions, it's just a dream, cause we are forced to shift gears depending on traffic conditions. Gear shifting was an ease, and the power delivery started at 2000 rpm, plus the gears had a short range, I could drive the car at 30kmph in 5th gear, on the whole, I was impressed by the car, the boot was less, and I considered the car as a four-seater and a three seater if I were to drive, my driving style was inspired from the Baleno. Now onto the service, we had 3 years warranty and extended it to 2 more years, the service at Nikhil was really great, parts replacements were done in a jiffy, and it only took 4 hours to service my car (every time), so I used to wait at the showroom, unlike other dealers who used to take two days comparatively, I still own the car, its been 6 years now, and I have never been disappointed by Chevrolet. For me, it was a really good ownership experience thanks to the Chevy?s reliability, quality of service and trust.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
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      • M
        mahesh on Jan 07, 2017
        Hands On HeartBEAT<3
        Popularly known as SPARK in the western countries, the sexy compact Chevy beat has become one of the most prominent hatchback cars on Indian roads.The diesel variant was launched on 25 July 2011, and I bought the car in next year and I'm contented with the performance and the active response.While talking about comfort and convenience, as the top end model is loaded with all the features like Auto AC, Rear Defogger, Power Windows, Adjustable Steering Column and including the Entertainment package of music player and a set of speakers. Even though being a small hatchback, the car provides ample headroom & legroom for tall persons, As I'm 6'ft Tall I never felt congestion in headroom but a little discomfort in legroom both front and rear seats. Being an expedited driver, I've always driven cars in high acceleration, but what Chevy beat has provided me with I'm stunned.The smoothest ever E-power Steering, quick acceleration, easy gear shifts and strong braking gives immense pleasure to the driver and passengers. The 1.0 L, 936 cc diesel engine enables the car to reach 100 km/h in 16 seconds and a top speed of 143 km/h which gives an adventurous spirit to rider plus a whooping mileage of 24 kmpl, so that one should never worry about fuel refilling. The best thing about Beat is the Aerodynamic Design which is so suitable for metro cities so as to reach their destinations earlier than before, overtaking other vehicles was never this easy before as the Beat's engine is better equipped for ambling at moderate speeds than full-throttle acceleration. Comparing it with other hatchback segment cars, Beat is quite sporty cum city inspired looking car with low running cost and can be bought at cost effective prices starting from Rs 5.12 lakh*.Colors provided by company are more vibrant than others and the accessories included are sophisticated in their own So,If you're planning to buy an entry level hatchback car, Chevy Beat is perfect for you under this budget, while you're getting a sexy beast for adventurous trips you're getting this active city looked sober car with great performance and specs looking standout from the other vehicles.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
      • S
        satish kumar on Jan 07, 2017
        I must suggest, it is a very good car
        Chevrolet Beat is the best car. It is even more stunning! Graced with the stylish dual port chrome grille with bold front fascia, striking new Headlamps, and jewel effect Tail Lamps the Beat is all geared up to raise your style quotient. I have completed almost 53000 KMS within a span of 6 years and I must it is a very good car. Feels stable at high speeds as well. The look of this car is absolutely stunning, very sporty look. Using this car since 4years, no major maintenance till now.I think this is the most successful model. steering is light, gear shifts are smooth and precise, there is no bumpiness in the motion; it is comfortable and easy to maneuver in city traffic. Steering mounted controls are convenient to use. Chevrolet Beat is well suited for cities with heavy traffic as it gives a good performance. However, I am not satisfied with the after sales servicing I got from Chevrolet and it is disappointing. The beat is a car not only for congested city use but its diesel version can also be useful for longer journeys on the Highway. It offers good fuel economy but that the cabin is somewhat cramped. When you are driving this vehicle you feel young from the heart. With soothing interiors and system makes this car more happening. The performance of the car is very good and it is giving me good mileage as of now. It's has been almost one year and it is giving 15-16kmpl mileage with AC in working mode. With Chevrolet BEAT, a fresh look in the hatchback segment was introduced and that?s what impressed me. I always wanted a small car for my daily commutation to the office. The car seems sporty and the line on both sides adds to its sporty looks. I am a happy owner of Chevrolet Beat LS Petrol from last two years and this car can really Beat the heat out of other cars in the same field. It's amazing in style, power, comfort, AC, and fuel economy is just perfect.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
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      • Y
        yogi on Dec 30, 2016
        Chevrolet Beat: My new Hatchback for there sporty looks.
        I purchased Chevrolet Beat LT petrol by General Motors an American Brand on the year-end offer. I feel the Chevrolet beat is a very powerful hatchback in this price segment of 4 Lakh to 5.5 Lakh. There are lots of features in Chevrolet Beat 2016 which I will tell you about every segment of Chevrolet beat through my experience. Styling: Funky styling inside & out fall in love with Beat in first meeting, Attractive grills, Roof-Rails, Spoilers and back door handle, Unique super bike-inspired speedometer too, steering controls of musicBody-coloredDoor handles, Dual toned interiors with black and silver color, Steering mounted controls, Dashboard are made up of brilliant quality plastics which I like most and Well packed interiors (for 5). Engine and performance: The Beat Petrol has a state-of-the-art S-TECH II engine that makes driving more fun with its powerful engine generating 106.5 NM of torque. To top it all, the Beat Petrol delivers an impressive power resulting in good acceleration and pick up.In Technical terms Engine--> S-TEC II called Smart-Tech Cylinders, Type--> 4 Cylinder in-line DOHC Displacement (cc)--> 1,199cc Max Power (kW/PS@rpm)--> 57.3 kW (77.9 PS) @ 6200 rpm Max Torque (NM@rpm)--> 106.5 NM @ 4400 rpm Fuel Efficiency encountered by me: 12.8 (City) / 16.5 (Highway) Comfort: Keyless entry with fold-able key, height adjustable driver's seat with adjustable steering of tilt option, the suspension of beat which is gas charged rebound tuned suspension specially for Indian roads which make the Beat truly unbeatable! and there are plenty of storage inside the beat like side door pockets with glove box.Thanks to the hatchback's fantastic styling, comfortable interiors. What makes the Beat even better is the fact that it comes loaded with technology that is not only aimed at improving performance, but also the owner's driving experience and steering mounted controls. Safety: The quality of body(Safety Cage) of the beat is truly extraordinary, Driver Airbag, Emergency Locking Retractors translate into seatbelts that work smoothly when being pulled from the reel to buckle you up and ABS with EBD and Driver with Passenger (1+1) Airbags only on top variant. Conclusion: As the tagline of Chevrolet Beat 2016 "Fulled by Fun" feels proud to its buyers. In every aspect of design, looks, styling and comfort I gave full marks, The Maintenance cost is very low as compared to any other petrol car, key-less entry with fold-able key, and I am 6 feet tall that's why I like the feature like height adjustable driver's seat with adjustable steering of tilt option, but I feel the only thing which lags it from its competitor that the basic features in today's market is to be absent in it was ABS, EBD, Engine Immobilizer and Bluetooth is not provided as in there other variants. The top variant which is Beat LTZ only provide ABS with EBD and Alloy wheels, I think they offer these options optional in other variants. Overall it's a good package for people who wants powerful Engine in low maintenance cost.
        കൂടുതല് വായിക്കുക
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